The Academy and learning and teaching to Learning & Teaching. Local authority careers service to Local Authority Careers Service, Community events to community events, Welfare team to Welfare Team, e-safety to E-Safety.

Our personal development programme is integral to the daily routines and education of every child, and its key objectives are to encourage students to:

  • develop their spiritual, social, moral, cultural, mental and physical development;
  • develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence;
  • distinguish right from wrong and respect for the civil and criminal law of England;
  • accept responsibility for their behaviour, show initiative, and understand how they can contribute positively to the lives of those living and working in our community and society more widely;
  • acquire a broad general knowledge of and respect for public institutions and services in England;
  • advocate tolerance and harmony between different cultural traditions and acquire an appreciation of, and respect for, their own and other cultures;
  • respect other people; and
  • respect democracy, support participation in the democratic processes, and respect the basis on which the law is made and applied in England.

Through structured form time routines, weekly themed assemblies, PSHE education delivery, a range of enrichment opportunities, and by upholding the key values of The Academy, our students access learning in a range of areas including:

  • The community in which they live, the wider community and the world as a whole.
  • The adult world.
  • The world of work.
  • Personal money management.
  • Politics and citizenship.

With society changing constantly, The Academy prepares its students in order to adapt to these changes and to make confident decisions about themselves, and their direction for the future.

The Academy is proud of its inclusive approach which allows the students to benefit from the increasing diversity of our school community.

The Academy works with the local authority which provides professionals to help deliver age appropriate education in health and relationships (including sex and relationships education).

Specialist Careers Advisers from the Local Authority Careers Service are based at The Academy daily, and provide high quality CIAG to students from Year 8 through to Year 11. Provision is monitored by The Academy Careers Co-ordinator, ensuring a strategic and targeted approach to careers advice. For Year 7 students, the Careers Co-ordinator plans a unit of work which allows students the opportunity to reflect on their levels of achievement academically, and how an interest in certain subjects may lead to specific pathways in the future.

In addition, The Academy has a strong relationship with a high street bank and volunteers visit The Academy throughout the year to provide ‘real life’ personal finance and money skills education. Through the ‘Business Class in the Community’ programme, The Academy is linked with a local science company. This partnership has widened the opportunities available to our students and provides a level of expertise that is impacting upon specific areas. These include Key Stage 3 PSHE education, Key Stage 4 Able and Ambitious students, The Academy Prefect Selection process and the Key Stage 4 Science curriculum.

Strong links have been forged with other external agencies including the Young Persons Drugs Prevention Officers, STAR, Base 58, Young Mind, CAMHS, Community Cohesion Officer, YOT, CYPS, Safer City Police Officers, Reveal Theatre, Made Training, and the Armed Forces, all of whom work throughout the year, addressing topical issues for all students, and working in smaller group settings with targeted students where needs be.

The Academy recognises the benefits of positive links with local Ward Councillors and Members of Parliament. As part of the ongoing education of our students, links continue to be strengthened and these partners are welcomed to Community events held by The Academy, and provide students with an insight into their roles through The Academy’s Assembly schedule.

In addition to the above programmes, the Welfare Team at The Academy operates a robust and highly effective programme of support and assistance to many vulnerable students. The work of the Welfare Team ensures that students who require additional support feel safe and understand that a team of professionals can be accessed at all times to help them when they are most in need.

All of our staff are trained to understand the issues around safeguarding young people and vulnerable adults, including E-Safety and Prevent Strategies.

In our curriculum we encourage students to understand the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of people of all faiths, races and cultures. We help students to understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its laws. These crucial values are evident not only in PSHE and during Pastoral sessions, but also in a range of subjects, including RE, History, Geography, English and MFL, thus ensuring our key values are embedded in the daily culture of The Academy.

Pupils enjoy coming to this very inclusive school

| Ofsted 2024

Why Discovery?

Our academy prides itself on the relationship between the academy and home, with an emphasis for students on belonging and being proud to be part of the Discovery Family.

Our Curriculum

We achieve the academy purpose through an unwavering focus on our students’ results and progress within their learning, and by offering the absolute best teaching and support.

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