Following consultation with parents, and to further increase our safeguarding levels, the following statements relating to mobile phones apply from September:

  • The academy stresses that it does not condone the use of mobile phones for any reason during the academy day.
  • The academy strongly recommends that students do not bring mobile phones to school.
  • The academy does not accept any responsibility for lost, stolen or damaged mobile phones, and reminds parents that if they choose to allow their child to bring a mobile device to the academy, they do so at their own risk.
  • The academy recommends that if parents allow their child to bring a mobile phone, then adequate insurance is in place for such a valuable item.
  • Under no circumstances should phones be seen in classrooms or on the corridors between lessons.
  • Should a student not meet the mobile phone expectations then the ‘mobile phone consequence system’ will be followed (as published on the academy website).

Pupils enjoy coming to this very inclusive school

| Ofsted 2024

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