Student Road map to June 22

Past Papers

Student Voice

“It’s interesting because of the varied number of things we learn.”

Apprenticeships Related to this GCSE/BTEC

A-Levels/Higher Qualifications you can study after this GCSE/BTEC

  • English Language A level
  • History A level
  • Law A level
  • Business A level
  • Media Studies A level
  • Philosophy A level
  • Politics A level
  • Psychology A level
  • Sociology A level
  • Business BTEC
  • Health and Social Care BTEC
  • Law BTEC
  • TV and Film Production BTEC

Useful Information

Where can English Language take you? Whether your dream is to become an Engineer or a newspaper editor a GCSE in English Language can open up a wide range of possibilities. The skills that you learn through your English Language study could be transferred to roles in the following areas:

  • Advertising and Marketing
  • Art and Design
  • Education
  • Law
  • Recruitment and HR
  • Publishing and Media
  • Primary School Teacher
  • Secondary School Teacher
  • Newspaper/magazine Editor
  • Magazine Journalist
  • Business Development Manager
  • Police Officer
  • Barrister
  • Solicitor
  • Paralegal
  • Editorial Assistant

Revision Material

BBC Bitesize Exam Specs

BBC Bitesize is useful to help students recap key areas of the English Language specification. It also provides students with a selection of example questions to complete once they have used the information to revise the key areas of the curriculum.

YouTube Mr Bruff

Mr Bruff is an experienced English teacher who has created a large number of videos to support students with their revision. His videos take students through each of the English Language exam papers by exploring strategies to approach the questions, looking at model examples and recapping key techniques to look out for when reading both fiction and non-fiction.


Seneca is a fantastic interactive resource that supports with English Language revision. This resource will help students recap key terminology, develop responses to exam style questions and develop technical accuracy.

Your Next Assessment

Upcoming Assessment:


Date of Assessment:


Revision Material:

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