Student Road map to June 22

Past Papers

Student Voice

“I enjoy the creative elements, and making things on the computers”

“We do not like the written elements that are needed as part of the design work as it stops the flow of designing and make” – in response to this we can not do too much as they are key requirements of the course as set by the exam board, but if you felt they stopped the flow you can control the order in which you complete them.

Apprenticeships Related to this GCSE/BTEC

A-Levels/Higher Qualifications you can study after this GCSE/BTEC

A Level Media Studies (Level 3)

Cambridge Technicals Information Technology and Digital Media (Levels 3)

T Level Digital Production Design and Development and Media

T Level Media, Broadcast and Production (Level 3)

Level 3 BTEC National Diploma in Information Technology

Level 3 City and Guilds Diploma in Digital Marketing and/or Social Media

Useful Information

Revision Material

Revision Videos

Walkthrough of the Exam Paper

Student’s class Team.

There will be revision resources & past paper questions for students to access when they log in.

Your Next Assessment

Upcoming Assessment:

Date of Assessment:


Revision Material:


Mind Maps

Mood Boards

Visualisation Diagrams


Health & Safety

Work Plans

Pupils enjoy coming to this very inclusive school

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